Have you been following the awesome blog Modern Parents Messy Kids? I found it a few months ago when the world turned upside down about this genius paint chip garland that Steph made. Well, as blog-land would have it, I noted that we lived in the same neck of the woods and so I left a comment with a question. We then had some lovely email conversations about how Fall birthdays in rainy Seattle certainly make for hard outdoor kid parties. Apparently, we were a distraught Mother's match made in heaven. So then, what else would there be for me to do than to beg her to let me photograph her family? Er...maybe she begged me? Can we make it mutual beg-iness?
I was SO excited to meet them and they did not disappoint. They are hip and cool and down to Earth and made my job super easy. Oh!- and they are gorgeous. Like...make me feel insecure about myself gorgeous. Good thing I have a sparkling personality;)
Introducing these cool parents...and their flipp'n adorable kids.

Introducing these cool parents...and their flipp'n adorable kids.

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